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A reflection.

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On that day I woke up with a huge lump in my throat, I had never felt that way before, year by year, I had welcomed my birthday with joy and happiness, but on that day, as I was entering my last year in twentieths, I welcomed it with a thumping heart, more like a crisis.

My mother always reminded me that a birthday is not about another year added to your life; it’s another year taken from yours.

So, for every breath that I take, I’m thankful.

For every beat of my heart, I’m thankful.

For every laugh that I’ve shared, I’m thankful.

For every tear that I’ve shade, I’m thankful.

I guess this time is all about cherishing all that I have.

Yes, there are still so many things on my dream list, but I guess they can’t be the reason for not thanking what I own now. Family, best friends, friends, place to sleep, health, good food.

I guess life is simple, it’s just sometimes the perspective makes it not.

Cheers for 29 mate!

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